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University of Connecticut School of Engineering Cellular Mechanics Laboratory


IMPETUS – Interactive MultiPhysics EnvironmenT for Unified Simulations

an object oriented, easy-to-use, high performance, C++ program for three-dimensional simulations of complex physical systems that can benefit a large variety of research areas, especially in cell mechanics. The program implements cross-communication between locally interacting particles and continuum models residing in the same physical space while a network facilitates long-range particle interactions. Message Passing Interface is used for inter-processor communication for all simulations.

IMPETUS VR – Immersive Virtual Reality Environment for IMPETUS Simulations

IMPETUS VR is an interactive virtual reality environment for particle dynamics simulations using IMPETUS. This is a tool using immersive interactive virtual reality technology to assist users to develop molecular dynamics simulations by placing the user in the live simulation world to interact with and reconfigure the particles.

MD-R - Molecular Dynamics library for Repast

The MD-R toolkit provides a three-dimensional continuous space projection and a large set of short-range molecular dynamics (MD) tools for the Agent-based modeling toolkit Repast HPC.

FRAME - Force Review Automation Environment

FRAME features a number of algorithms to streamline automated processing as well as a GUI interface to expedite manual processing and review of the data.

Additional Software

Additional data processing and in house developped software.